
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Unexpected Visitor and Two Spring Cards

I finally completed all the required paperwork-report cards, School Improvement Data Workbook, grade level data tool notebook, running records, math assessments, unassisted writing samples- to Track Out.

Spring Break, Here I come.

A perk of year round schools.  We have four first days of school and four last days of school. Friday marked last day number 3. 

Hold It!
Hit the Pause Button!

Oh, I have subbed the last two days in the technolgy lab while our specialist enjoyed a few days vacation.  While tracked out, I can sub to earn a little extra funds.  I totally need new tires for my truck, so this really helped out.

Now tomorrow, my break begins.


While taking a stroll around the school grounds enjoying the spring weather...

Yes- This beautiful pond covers half the perimeter of our school grounds. You should see it from the second floor of our school building- BREATHTAKING~

I spotted this pond critter hanging out on our playground~

Our custodian carefully placed him back over the fence to enjoy his pond and other pond friends.  This is only one of many visitors that visit us during playtime.

On another note, I would like to share with you two card creations I made for two special ladies in our school.  These two cards welcome spring and say "Happy Birthday" and "Thanks" with a cupcake liner flower and a rolled paper flower.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Missing: Magic Wand!

I should be working on report cards.
I sHoUlD bE wOrKiNg On RePoRt CaRdS.

I believe in fairy tales. Don't you?  I believe in "Happily After After." So where, oh where is my magic wand?
 I need some major assistance- some intervention- a magic wand- I need motivation to complete report cards. 
My track out date is Friday....Friday....Friday.
So I shouldn't delay.
The thought of a three week break from lesson plans, grading papers, and school email should be enough motivation- Right? But my "umph" is GONE~

Paperwork committments are Challenging~Challenging~Challenging!

Anywho~Here's a new product in my TPT Store.  Click on over to download this classroom management tool for finding partners with a twist.

Now back to report cards...the end is in sight~

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Upcycled / Recycled Postcards

Being  a crafter when time permits, I love to use recycled materials when possible to create "new" and practical things.    A while ago, I came across this post-cereal box postcard- at Infarrantly Creative and a light bulb came on. I was totally inspired.

"Hey," I thought.  This would be great to send to some of my pals back home.  I usually send postcards when on vacation, but these I could use anytime and for my students and parents at school as well.  These postcards also have a creative twist.

So I started saving boxes from the recycled can as well as Girl Scout Cookie boxes and cut them down to size (4 x 6) . I did put the scraps in the recycling bin.  I'm all for saving the planet.  The tutorial from Infarrantly Creative is awesome.  However, lucky me already had a postcard stamp that I bought forever ago at Hobby Lobby which saved me from drawing message lines.

Enjoy the photos~

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm In....Pin Me!

I'm joining bloggers from all over to allow you to pin from our site to your pinterest board. All things pinned out there in cyber world are not OK, so make sure you have permission to pin. This button says it's ok- Pin Away~

One thing to back to me! This is my stuff! (Unless otherwise noted!)

My First Giveaway

Jen at Hello Mrs. Sykes has reached 100 followers.  

This is cause to C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E.
Raise the Roof~

She has invited ME as well as Casey at Second Grade Math Maniac to participate in a giveaway. 

I nervously proudly stepped up to the plate.
I am giving away a Contractions Mini Unit from my newly opened TpT Store.

So...What are you waiting for?  Head on over to Jen's site by clicking below and find out all the details.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Facelift...without the Botox

Many would probably agree that my blog may be "too young" for a facelift. However after stumbling across Vampire Craftin on Etsy with a poppy-themed etsy shop, I was madly in love. Field of Poppies is proudly named after the poppy scene in my favorite movie "The Wizard of Oz." So it would only be suitable that my blog reflect my love of poppies.

The problem.
I don't have an etsy shop anymore.

Quickly, I contacted Stacy, the Fangtastic creater,(she LOVES vampires and the supernatural) to ask if she could make the poppy themed etsy shop into a blog.
She chuckled.
I could hear her (LOL), because she is a blog designer.
She can do anything.
Really~ My heart began to smile bigger than the cheshire cat. I chose what I needed. Invited her over to my blog.

AND presto-changeo~
What you see is the result.
 Fabulous- Right?
 I love it~ Love it~ Love it~
 So a BIG, HUMUNGOUS, GIGANTIC, SINCERE Thank You goes out to Stacy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yay~ Currently March

I have been anxiously awaiting the Currently for March from Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade. If you are not completing these, now is the time to start.

 Honestly, I think for the month of March, I will complete one each day in a written journal. I'll let you know how that works out with the release of the April Currently.

My Currently:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the nominees are...and a GIVEAWAY!

Yesterday I was awarded the Top Ten Award.  Again, THANKS Jenn!

Today I am nominating these Fan-Tabulous blogs to receive this SPECTACULAR award. (Get it? Fan-I'm a fan of these blogs-LOL!)

I also want you to click on over to Second Grade Math Maniac for Casey's great giveaway.


