This evening I want to share with you a new adventure our family had to an indoor trampoline park.
Our youngest takes gymnastics at a local gym for gymnasts. She loves it and constantly BEGS for a backyard trampoline. Hubby Jagger is consistent with his response and never wavers. "No" is always his reply. "It will kill the grass and I don't want to be responsible for kids who may get hurt on it." Point taken.
We heard a few months ago of a new trampoline park in Durham. Our oldest has gone with a few friends, but never our middle and youngest. So I thought this would be a great weekend to go. I'm a fanatic for family activities. I love spending time together - minus any complaining. Hubby Jagger agreed to take the kids. We loaded up the kids and we were off to yet another new adventure.
Enjoy the visit~
Wall to wall trampolines~
This guy jumped a little to high~
So did this guy~
Jess is pondering which move she is going to make into the foam pit~
Sid is just happy. No reason needed~
Another view
We ended the night by taking the kids to the new two story Chic-Fil-A!
The kids being silly. It's looks like Jess is going to barf. Yuck!
The kids had a blast. We only had one broken toe. ( Yes, Jess broke her toe!) The kids are already asking to go back.
Even though I wasn't smart enough to come up with the idea of a trampoline park. It is , however, a great way for the kids to release energy.
Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for sharing!!! What will they think of next? ;)
Hello Mrs Sykes