Chalk paint.
Milk paint.
Chalkboard paint.
These types of paints are all the rage these days in the furniture consignment and shabby chic market.
This week I decided to make my own chalk paint.
I do have Anne Sloan chalk paint, but I'll discuss that product at a later time.
Chalk paint is easy to make.
You'll need:
Plaster of Paris
Flat Latex Paint
Hot Water
Small Plastic Mixing Bucket
Paint Stick for Mixing
Mix 1/2 cup of hot water and 1/2 cup of Plaster of Paris together in the plastic mixing bucket. Mix thoroughly with the paint stick. A mixer will work for this step as well. However, the mixer should be for paint only- not food preparation. You want to eliminate any and all lumps. Next, mix 1 1/2 cups of a latex paint of your choice with the Plaster of Paris mixture. I used a quality sample paint from Sherman Williams. Again, mix thoroughly.
The above recipe works great for me. I love the consistency- not too thick or too watery. However, feel free to add more Plaster of Paris if you want the chalk paint thicker. The Plaster of Paris will also lighten the latex paint color slightly. I had extra paint left over and stored it in a covered glass jar to use for a future project.
I picked up a table from The Salvation Army. I loved it's shape, but it was UGLY! This table was a great chalk paint project. With chalk paint, you do not have to sand or prime. Just apply the mixture with a good quality brush. Woo Hoo! Because the top of the table had a glossy finish, I decided to sand it down to the bare wood before painting. Again, it was not necessary, just a personal preference.
Enjoy the photos~
I applied two coats of chalk paint to the table and sanded it to give it a distressed, shabby look. I followed up by applying 5 coats of Polyacrylic to seal it. Polyacrylic is waterbased. Oil based products have an unbearable smell for me so I don't use them.
A close up of the top. Halfway through the sanding process, my hand sander broke.
I finished the sanding process by hand. A lot of muscle work but worth every sore muscle I had the following day.
This is the finished product waiting to be adorned in one of my shops. She is a beauty if I say so myself. She even has a removable leaf- an extra bonus.
She is now in her spot in my booth awaiting the perfect owner to come along and take her to a new home.
Have you had any experiences with chalk paint? Please share!
Thanks for stopping by~

Looks gorgeous!! I just wish I could buy it, instead of going through all of that work!!