Spring Break, Here I come.
A perk of year round schools. We have four first days of school and four last days of school. Friday marked last day number 3.
Hold It!
Hit the Pause Button!
Oh, I have subbed the last two days in the technolgy lab while our specialist enjoyed a few days vacation. While tracked out, I can sub to earn a little extra funds. I totally need new tires for my truck, so this really helped out.
Now tomorrow, my break begins.
While taking a stroll around the school grounds enjoying the spring weather...
Yes- This beautiful pond covers half the perimeter of our school grounds. You should see it from the second floor of our school building- BREATHTAKING~I spotted this pond critter hanging out on our playground~
Our custodian carefully placed him back over the fence to enjoy his pond and other pond friends. This is only one of many visitors that visit us during playtime.
On another note, I would like to share with you two card creations I made for two special ladies in our school. These two cards welcome spring and say "Happy Birthday" and "Thanks" with a cupcake liner flower and a rolled paper flower.