The sleepless nights are more frequent, the racing heartbeat is more prominent, and all those breathing techniques I learned in yoga have to be practiced all day long.
I wish I could just do all the fun units and craftivity projects and skip all the year end paperwork. Frankly, it's just not fun. Never has been and don't think it'll ever be.
I know someone somewhere thinks it's a necessity and all the stars will not line up if all of it is not completed BEFORE the last day of school, but I'm in knots until it's all done.
End of the year awards for my students are a treat for me. I love the "candy bar" approach and have used these awards for years. Many great bloggers out there have created super cute candy bar award certificates. I would love to have them. My kids would love them. The parents would think I was all the more awesome.
However, very shortly after I tracked back in to my room in April, the color printer which I share with 6 other great teammates ran out of two colors of ink. (We all just love printing all these wonderful freebies and units from everyone.) This means NOTHING will print. No certificates. No awards. Sadly, it will not be replaced until the start of the new school year, which is July 1. BUMMER~ I could print them at home, however the small cartridges in my HP would have to be replaced many times over and cost me a paycheck.
Since I've been on a craft kick, I searched through my Cricut cartridges and came across Locker Talk. Yippee~This cartridge has all things school related. Leafing through the image booklet, I came across a trophy image. BINGO~
Racing down to the Jo Ann Fabrics, I bought lots of lime green and turquoise blue paper- our school colors- for less than five bucks and created these trophies which I will use for candy bar awards this year and possibly for years to come.Problem solved. No color ink needed.
And they look MARVELOUS~
What do you think?

Super cute!! :)
Hello Mrs Sykes