I'm always a day late and a dollar short, as the saying goes. I know holidays are coming, however by the time I get around to planning and completing a related activity with my students, it's too late. So I file it away until next year. Sadly, for some activities, next year hasn't come yet. Trying to find a "just right" place within my lesson plans as well as meet the weekly expectations on the district's pacing guide make it difficult many times to integrate seasonal fun ideas. (Insert sad face here.)
Friday was an Early Release day for year round schools in our county. The kids had no specials for the day, like music, art, media, P.E. or technology, so I crossed my fingers hoping I would not see my AP walk in with her laptop to do her final observation of the year. I closed my door and pulled out the construction paper. My kids lit up with excitement. "A Craft project," they yelled. I led the class in creating a TLC Iris Art Project. (See this link for another TLC project we have done.) You can't have Mother's Day without flowers, so I thought I could easily fit this into the math curriculum of congruent shapes and figures and combining shapes as well as create a unique flower for our moms. Well all I can say is ~ they are unique. Here's a few samples of the finished product.
Our mommies are just going to love them~
As educators, we celebrate the small things. Many times, if it wasn't for the small things, there would be no big things. So with that in mind-
Woo-Hoo! I have reached 25 followers. That deserves a FREEBIE.
So for ONE WEEK~ 7 DAYS~ Monster Mania will be a FREEBIE. However, after this time the games will be $1.00 in my TpT store. Either way, it's a great deal. This is such a fun math game of creating equations with three numbers. For younger students, like second graders, I would encourage a calculator but definitely not necessary. Click below for the download.
A shout out to Casey for walking me through the steps to creating a layered preview screen and for listening to me vent after the Staff Development on Friday. She had interim reports to complete, but she listened to me ramble for at least 20 minutes. Thanks~
On a simple note, I wanted to share two pics of one of my favorite "shops" in an Antique Marketplace. In this Marketplace, one can rent a space to sell various items. I've debated on whether or not to rent a space in this cute Marketplace to sell my wares. However, that decision is still up in the air. I'll keep you posted, but enjoy "The Shabby Chic" spot.

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